Send the school an email though our Contact us page.

Notice of termly tuition fees is given before the commencement of each term. Fees are to be paid in full before the last day of the month that the school term begins. In the event of non-payment without prior arrangement, the child or children will be suspended from school. If payment is not made within a further seven days, the child or children will lose their place in the school. The school cannot afford to carry non-fee paying children and each parent is asked to make every effort to pay their school fees on time. Parents are given the option to apply to enter a “Payment Plan” which allows parents to stagger fees payment to a monthly basis. However, this is to the discretion of the Board of Governors who reserves the right to suspend the plan for anyone who does not strictly adhere to the terms and conditions of the Payment Plan.


A full terms notice in writing is required if you intend removing your child/children from the school.

Fund raising

School fees only cover your child’s education and maintenance of the existing facilities of the school. Any capital projects are funded by fund raising events and sponsorship. Parents are encouraged to support these events as much as possible for the benefit of your child and the school community. 

Children are from various classes, as previously mentioned, attend a class field trip once a year. These trips are paid by the parents themselves. The cost of the trip is worked out and the parents advised. 

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