
Individual Student Assessment

Every learner from Grade 1 to 7 is assessed individually each term to monitor their education progress.  A learning profile is built up and these assessments allow each child’s individual progress to be monitored.

These assessments are Formal Assessments, which means that they have been standardized and give age norms for each Grade age group.  The assessments provide an age equivalent score and a standardized score which allows us to see how the child learns compared to other children in the same Grade; such as average, above / below average.  The tests that we use are from the UK and dove tail closely with the Cambridge Education system.  The assessments are completed in the classroom in a group and are then marked and scored by the remedial teacher.  This ensures consistency across the school.  Each learner has a record of their profile which is updated each term.

The following Assessments are completed:

  • Literacy skills are assessed every term with Spelling Assessments and Reading Comprehension Assessments.
  • Mathematical skills and Non-verbal Ability are assessed once a year.

These assessments are Internal, which means that parents do not get the results.  One of the reasons being that the results cannot be taken in isolation.  An advantage of this Assessment programme is that each child’s learning progress gets closely monitored but it also allows the class teacher to monitor their teaching skills and adjust their teaching accordingly.

The results of these assessments also provide a guide to the children who would benefit from being part of the Remedial Programme in the Learning Centre.

Learners are also included into the Remedial Programme if they come to the school with a report from an Educational Psychologist or Occupational Therapist stating they have a Learning Difficulty .  The remedial teacher works closely with the class teachers and any learner of concern is discussed and monitored before starting remedial lessons.  The advantage of being in a small school is that all the students are known to the remedial teacher (personally and through the Assessment testing).

Children that come to the Remedial Programme work at a slower pace than in the classroom and any gaps in their learning profiles are reinforced.  The focus is usually on literacy skills and building confidence but some mathematical skills are worked on as well as handwriting support.

We are extremely lucky that there is no stigma attached to children going to the Learning Centre and most children see it as a treat!  The children are seen in the Learning Centre either individually or in pairs.  They are taken out of the classroom during school time but at a time that does not affect any of their core learning.  The remedial teacher works closely with the class teacher to ensure that the learner is taught in the classroom to their strengths.

Once a learner is in the Remedial Programme, their progress is closely monitored and when necessary, a referral to an Educational Psychologist is recommended.  This allows for further clarification on how the Learner learns, their strengths / weaknesses in their learning profile and to give a formal diagnosis of any Specific Learning Difficulties and associated recommendations or classroom accommodations.