Send the school an email though our Contact us page to make an appointment with the admissions staff.


Summer & Winter

Start : 7.25am Lunch :  1 pm Sport : 1.30 – 4.30pm    


The school holds three assemblies every week: 

Monday: This assembly is our National Assembly. The Zimbabwean Flag is raised and the school sings the National Anthem. The theme of the assembly addresses points of good citizenship, serving the wider community, loyalty to our country, supporting our community and compassion for those less fortunate.

Wednesday: This assembly is our Moral Assembly. It deals with Religious and Moral issues and all the good and positive attributes to pursue such as:  Love, compassion, gentleness, tolerance, understanding and so forth.  

 Friday: This assembly is held between 12.30 pm and 1:00 pm in the school hall.  This is normally led by the Headmaster/Headmistress or delegated to a senior member of staff in their absence. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend. Each grade has a turn to present a play with a meaningful theme. This assembly is also used to present any academic and sporting awards for the week as well as to read out the sporting and competition results for that week. Parents are also reminded of important forth coming events or concerts that the school may have.

Merit and Special Award Certificates

Awards for effort and achievement are given to pupils in each grade at the Friday assembly. These awards include incentive and an ambassador award for exceptional and unexpected behaviour and acts worthy of representing the ethos of the school.

Absence from School

If your child cannot attend school for whatever reason we ask that you please inform the school, in writing. If your child is unwell, for the sake of other children, we would prefer you to keep him or her at home. In the case of an infectious illness it would be appreciated if the school was informed and written clearance provided by your Doctor before the child returns to school.